Creating MyBlog
Here is how i created the long due blog website
Statiq is a static website generation tool. I just need to create my blogs as markup files, which gets rendered by statiq as html files
GitHub - statiqdev/CleanBlog: A blogging theme for Statiq Web.
Use cleanblog as a submodule within my statiq website to give me a nice blog site layout
Once my new blog aka markup file created, i just need to commit all my changes into a github repository
Webhosting, deployment pipeline through Netlify
Netlify integrates with my public github repository, and whenever there is a new checkin creates a new build. It also offers a free preview of the changes. We can always go back and view build history, re-deploy a previous build from the build history etc
Purchase domain name from NameCheap, and register NamedServers
How do I register personal nameservers for my domain? - Domains -
Integrating google analytics, to see website views
Setup an account in Google analytics, and create a datastream for my website
Now i just need to add this code snippet to my header, and that should send data to my google analytics account
Added a new _head.cshtml with the snippet